Discovered on Pinterest on February 1, 2024



Another useful design and branding influence

What is this page about?

I'm James Kindred, a brand consultant and graphic designer based in Suffolk. I have over 25 years of experience in brand development, graphic design and digital delivery.


Why have you kept a reference of “Disimba”?

Hey! You found one of the images that have taken my fancy while I was browsing Pinterest recently. I'm not claiming ownership of any of these images, but I do claim to have good taste.

With its vast collection of images and designs, Pinterest serves as a designer's mood board, facilitating the conceptualization of unique brand identities.

Using reference materials, like mood boards and look books, is essential for designers to draw inspiration and conceptualize fresh ideas. Every design, whether it's a simple logo or a comprehensive website, serves a distinct purpose and communicates a specific message. The true power of design lies in its capacity to evoke emotions, drive decisions, and inspire actions. The most innovative designs often emerge from challenging constraints, pushing designers to think outside the box. Branding differentiates, defines, and positions a company in the competitive landscape, setting it apart from its competitors.

What Pinterest tells us about this image

Artwork Copyright © Tyler Spangler Buy prints here: – This was originally posted on Pinterest. See the original

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