Discovered on Pinterest on October 4, 2023



Another useful design and branding influence

What is this page about?

I'm James Kindred, a brand consultant and graphic designer based in Suffolk. I have over 25 years of experience in brand development, graphic design and digital delivery.

Book a free consultation to discuss your brand and how I can help your growing business, emerging brand or startup


Why have you kept a reference of “Kirby”?

Hello there! This is one of the many images I've admired on Pinterest. While I don't own these images, I certainly appreciate their aesthetics.

For designers, Pinterest is more than just a platform; it's a visual library, brimming with inspiration and innovative concepts.

Graphic design is more than just aesthetics; it's about finding the best way to communicate a message using visuals and layout techniques. Branding influence goes beyond just a memorable logo; it establishes a company's visual identity and sets the tone for customer interactions. The essence of design is not just about making things look good; it's about creating a meaningful experience for users. Design, often the first point of interaction, plays a crucial role in shaping a potential customer's perception of a brand. Consistency in design reinforces a brand's strength, building recognition and trust over time.

What Pinterest tells us about this image

– This was originally posted on Pinterest. See the original

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