Discovered on Pinterest on October 4, 2023


“Braun logo evolution | Logo Design Love”

Another useful design and branding influence

What is this page about?

I'm James Kindred, a brand consultant and graphic designer based in Suffolk. I have over 25 years of experience in brand development, graphic design and digital delivery.

Book a free consultation to discuss your brand and how I can help your growing business, emerging brand or startup


Why have you kept a reference of “Braun logo evolution | Logo Design Love”?

Hey! You found one of the images that have taken my fancy while I was browsing Pinterest recently. I'm not claiming ownership of any of these images, but I do claim to have good taste.

With its vast collection of images and designs, Pinterest serves as a designer's mood board, facilitating the conceptualization of unique brand identities.

Using reference materials, like mood boards and look books, is essential for designers to draw inspiration and conceptualize fresh ideas. In design, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, leading to clarity and user-friendly experiences. A brand's voice, values, and vision are amplified and communicated through its design choices. Design is a journey of discovery, experimentation, and refinement, leading from a raw idea to a polished masterpiece. Branding is the promise a company makes, while design ensures that the promise is delivered effectively and beautifully. Consistency in design reinforces a brand's strength, building recognition and trust over time.

What Pinterest tells us about this image

The original Braun wordmark was designed by Will Münch in 1934, while a revised option of the Braun logo came about in 1939. – This was originally posted on Pinterest. See the original

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